
Chasing Sky Forever

     My first ever hike down to Queenstown - it could be another name for this post. Started this morning with a swim in the Pacific. I clearly have forgotten how salty the water is. Nevertheless this is a photo story about me hiking down South. 
I wish I had this car and a driver like this one. 
I took me 6 hours to get down to Queenstown, which is pretty good considering the distance and the roads that go winding up and down the mountains. 
I thought you could get such view back in 1987 in the territory of Soviet Union.
My vision. 
Piece of paradise. You see it only when looking at the photo in reasonably romantic atmosphere. There, with all the tourists and young kids from England getting pissed and otherwise behaving like animals, the view is not that much enjoyable. 
Dee picked me up on Sunday afternoon not too far from Queenstown. She was the only one who stopped in hours and she was going to Wanaka and so was I, I discovered. 
My sign. 
I was picked up by Nate from this spot below. He had moved down south from Christchurch and was bringing his stuff to the new place over the weekend. Anyway, it was a very good and refreshing ride with Steppenwolf playing Born to be wild etc. Epic shit. 
Had to spend night sleeping on the roadside, which was probably the best part of that little trip. Well, I didn't know by then that no one would pick me up until 1 am. I walked 19 km that morning and stopped by the lake to have a little break, wash my face and have sandwich and banana. Later on I discovered that ducks are very loyal listeners. I played a nice nylon string guitar for a crowd of 30 maybe. 
Walking that distance almost took my shoes - "a good copy of Timberlands" - as the guy put it in Chinese market in KualaLumpur. This is the view from where I stayed over night. Full moon was so bright that I was able to take notes as you know the conditions were perfect to write down some of the craziest ideas. 
Walking empty roads for miles with a huge backpack and a guitar is a very good work out. Woken up by sunrise, walking surrounded by turquoise lakes and most beautiful mountains for hours with no one around - can you feel more better than that? Probably, but that prolonged moment just blew my mind away. Wheew!

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