Enjoy the photos and will write more words when arrive in Dharamsala. More peaceful and cheaper, as I remember. Internet still costs money and uploading photos takes a while.
This photo was shot in Delhi Main Bazar, I don't know why people always go there and stay overnight. I guess because of the railway-station just around the corner as well as of other things that gives you the Incredible India experience from the first moment you arrive here..
It was a great pleasure to see the countryside of India.
Body burning. If you can believe what they say then 150 bodies are burned and thrown in the river every day. And in monsoon the river goes up to the balcony.
Wall of shit
Sunrise in Varanasi.
All above are pictures from Varanasi where I spent 6 nights. Too much for that crazy town. Even though such sweet memories.
Sarnath, near Varanasi. The days when I still ate food cooked on the streets.
We're leaving the place where Buddha got enlightened and me and my friend Edijs, who joined the party in Varanasi, got diarrhea and who knows maybe it's a kind of enlightenment too.
I agree with You about first experience in India if You start Your exquisite trip at Main Bazar.
AtbildētDzēstI like Your style how You show Your trip.
I have been in India some month ago. I am steel there, with my soul, mind and brightness.
Keep Your mind free and clear.
being second time here is really releaving and you enjoy things to the greater extent. I am heading to Dharamsala today and can't wait to get some recording done with tibetans.
AtbildētDzēstLeah city.
AtbildētDzēstTibetian traitions and feeling.