
Shlegaga! Mission Accomplished!

I'm putting up these photos already from Brooklyn, NYC. Arrived yesterday almost missing a plane. Dropped computer on the way, luckily it works with a smack on cd input part. This post is one of the longest so arm with patience and I'll try to explain how I got this far from where I last stopped. 

I called Phil that sunday thinking of jamming and recording music. Next thing I know we are on our way to a skateshop to get some breakfast. Bombed hill after that with bunch of kids to the train station where we took off for skateparks down south - Menlo Park and Redwood city. Roughneck, SF, hardware company put up the whole event and it was funny, no kidding. 
Skatepark in Menlo park. 
Got in a back of a van packed like sardines. 
Redwood city skatepark.
Me and Phil having some beers while waiting for a train back to the city. This guy comes up and starts talking about how he's too old for skating and stuff. Eventually it turned out that Phil was even older than him and still ripping. 
Some hills to bomb. Well, you won't see me on this one. I just spelled one as wan. I guess you can find very strange spelling on this blog. 
Werewolves on a Mission Studio. 
Werewolves got together to show me Golden Gate bridge. As it turned out later I wasn't the only one who hasn't seen it. 
My pirate ship. I could seriously live on this boat. 
"Live your life, equipped with a knife"
"We're getting there one beer at a time"
Skated all the way to Golden Gate from China town. 
50 - 50'd the chain
Got underneath the bridge. This lighthouse was repaired by Jay. 
Have you ever spitraced?
On the way back to FTC Blood Wizard premiere. 
Hall of Meat. 
FTC store. Free booz and shmooz.
It was Blood Wizzard video premiere. Some lurkers. I left before the end. 
My last full day in San Francisco began with spending some time at Dolores park. This is what parks are meant for. 
Back to the garage and to the business.
Moving tree. Phil grabbed it off the sidewalk on our way back from a punk show. 
Last day in San Francisco started by packing my bag for a millionth time then hitting the garage to set up for a gig. 
We got the ramp out and by the time we had to play noone had arrived.  The moment we hit couple notes people were gathering in crowds. Believe it or not. 
I am so thankful I met these guys and we were able to record 12 song album. We finished it right before the Full Moon cause you know what happens with werewolves when the moon is out.  Stevie Gee is working on a cover, I hope my SF band mates now are discussing the song names and their order. San Francisco ir by far one of my favorite places on this planet. It has everything, you name it. Well, probably everything I like, I guess. 
It's a rainy day today in New York and it's unbearably hot I must admit. It was a perfect time to sort the photos and make this blog. I'm outta here. Auuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

2 komentāri:

  1. Super! Tew nu gan tur iet pa kruto, pat nedaudz latviešu skaudība iezagās he he... bet lai nu kā - atbastu un gaidu dziesmas ;)

  2. woohoooo!!! Latviešu skaudība, pats labākais, kas var notikt!!! hehe, jo ne aiz ļauna prāta! Šodien rakstīju dziesmas Ņujorkā, Tour De Friends Mixteips būs baigi interesants! :)
